To produce
undergraduate students in geography and
geo-infomatics to be a person possessing
knowledge and ability in geography and
skills in geo-infomatics, including
attitude and idea in order to respond to
the needs of labor market and to be a
person having virtue in working with
creativity and training in order to
improve themselves with consistence for
the highest benefits to organization,
community and
1. To allow
graduated students to have virtue,
ethics and discipline and responsibility
towards profession, honesty, sacrifice,
to be a role model which is needed in
organization and government agency,
state enterprise and private
2. To allow
graduated students to possess knowledge
in principle and theory in knowledge
related to the field and understanding
related to an advancement of technology
related to the field.
3. To allow
graduated students to be able to search
for the fact of problems and propose a
guideline for solving the problems by
applying theoretical knowledge with
practical experience to be able to use
in occupation in agency or organization
related with the
4. To allow
graduated students to be able to express
participatory behavior in group
activities for solving problems in the
group with creativity, either leaders or
members of group and to be able to
express leadership in problem-solving in
several situation.
5. To allow
graduated students to be able to choose
or apply technique in relevant
statistics and math with suitability in
research and study, as well as, to be
able to collect data, process data,
translate and present by using suitable
information technology and communicate
with efficiency in both speaking and